About Me

Hey, I’m Vignesh, a student at The University of Texas at Dallas. I am currently pursuing a masters in Computer Science and plan to graduate in December 2020. On the side, I like to play soccer, experiment with new guitar chords, invest in the stock market, and build tech products that people may want to use. Some of the apps I work on are useful, while some are just for fun. An example of a less serious app that I’ve built is Ron Swanson Quotes. Currently, I am most interested in full-stack software engineering since both backend and frontend present unique challenges that I like to work on.

DeepMap Image

I’m not really a books guy, but I read a lot of articles relating to tech and business (Medium and The Economist are two of my favorites). I also want to build my own startup one day, so I try to stay current on Y Combinator news and the like.

As of now, I am seeking New Grad Software Engineering roles starting in January 2021. If you would like to have a chat, drop me an email or reach out on LinkedIn and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!